£54 / MONTH
These are for those who have an interest in contemporary. Our contemporary academies are for children and young people who wish to do shows and competitions. Children train for 2-hours per week with a dedicated teacher to oversee their progression and help get them performance ready.
Choice of Times:
Monday 6pm-8pm: This academy is for dancers aged 6+ , who enjoy Contemporary dance or wish to try it. The children have the opportunity to do small scale shows and competitions and have a great environment without the competitive pressures that sometimes arise with competitive teams. They engage in body conditioning, stretch, turns and leaps and learning lyrical contemporary routines.
These are for those who have an interest in contemporary. Our contemporary academies are for children and young people who wish to do shows and competitions. Children train for 2-hours per week for £54 per month with a dedicated teacher to oversee their progression and help get them performance ready.
Choice of Times:
Monday 6pm-8pm: This academy is for dancers aged 6+ , who enjoy Contemporary dance or wish to try it. The children have the opportunity to do small scale shows and competitions and have a great environment without the competitive pressures that sometimes arise with competitive teams.
Wednesday 5pm-7pm: This academy is for beginner contemporary dancers aged 10+ involving stretch and contemporary lyrical routines.
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